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If you have or know someone who has psoriasis then this should be required reading. It WILL change your life!

Psoriasis is a common and chronic inflammatory disease. It may cause significant impairment to the patient’s quality of life. Causes include an over-active immune system and stress; infections such as strep throat or injuries to the skin. According to this dermatological study, it is under-diagnosed and under-treated. Additionally, psoriasis has been linked to heart attacks, stroke, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, obesity, and metabolic syndrome.

Unfortunately, modern treatments are usually topical such as cortisone cream and further treatments include some scary side effects. How is it that our best doctors are applying skin treatments when the science points to something deep inside our bodies? Furthermore, why do we keep believing doctors will save us when the side effects surpass the original symptoms? The adverse conditions for one “cure” listed in the above study include cancer and lymphoma!

Interestingly, psoriasis seems to be an outward sign of problems inside us. If that is the case then why do doctors wait until conditions are horrible before prescribing an internal solution? Strangely, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure does not drive the modern health industry…

tarsul 150 gram bottle


Tarsul 150 Gram Bottle


Let’s look at some conditions and events before we go all “conspiracy theory” on you…

Our bodies interact with the environment through our skin, our lungs and our digestive systems. Our environment is hard to control. The risks are assured if we work in an office with air conditioning or on a construction site. We CAN’T avoid dried out skin or cuts and abrasions in our daily lives (two psoriasis risks). Conversely, we CAN control what we eat and drink. It is easy to stray from a good diet but we can all agree that small changes can make a big impact on our health and well being.

This simple piece of the puzzle (DIET!) was recognized as crucial by Hippocrates and his colleagues. Hippocrates is known as the father of ALL western medicine. According to those ancient doctors, ignoring diet as a cause or a cure for disease may put the patient in danger. In other words, they believed that leaving diet out of a cure was breaking the Hippocratic oath!

Psoriasis treatments: Tarsul vs Big Pharma

Tarsul addresses an imbalance in healthy sodium to potassium ratios seen in diets for industrialized societies. Additionally, it can help because sulfur and other trace elements become missing in diets fueled by factory farms. For most of us, it is nearly impossible to eat like we did 100 or even 50 years ago when organic food was just food. This change is costing us. It costs us money because treatments for psoriasis may cost as much as $25,000 per year. It costs us our health because it is widely agreed that many common and epidemic health issues are diet related. In contrast, Tarsul simply infuses our diets with natural elements left out when industrial farming puts food on the table for affordable prices.

The problem with current medical treatments for psoriasis can be complex. An intravenous dosing of  bleselumab over three weeks targets specific immune reactions to decrease the symptoms of psoriasis. However, the same study states there is no “…safety or tolerability data…currently available for patients with psoriasis.”  Arguably, anyone receiving these types of treatments should dig up the related studies to find what real risks are involved. It is quite possible that many are unidentified. Therefore, we can compare tarsul to bleselumab this way: Biological treatments such as bleselumab suppress the immune system to slow the effects of psoriasis. Tarsul replaces missing dietary elements in a whole body approach to lasting health. In our eyes, killing many birds with one stone beats whack-a-mole any day.

Why do we need sulfur and cream of tartar in our diets?

Sulfur has been used for centuries as a homeopathic remedy for many skin maladies. Most examples apply it topically or into the skin or muscles. At Tarsul, we are confused when evidence suggests an internal problem is being treated with a salve. Why not use our digestive systems to implement the treatment? We can witness the effects when things we eat or drink filter through our bodies. Some come out of our skin pores within minutes. Salt and alcohol are obvious examples. Watch what happens on the next potty break after eating red beets or asparagus! The results are immediate. Similarly, the sulfur in Tarsul is tasteless and the skin is treated from the inside out.

Cream of Tartar has been used effectively to treat psoriasis in the past and it is still being prescribed today. It can also be called potassium bitartrate or potassium hydrogen tartrate. Certainly, we can see how a dosage of cream of tartar can positively affect our sodium to potassium ratio that determines overall health. First of all, we can carefully modify our diets by eating more potassium rich foods. That can probably get complicated and one trip to the hamburger stand can ruin a days work. Alternatively, we can augment our diet with Tarsul and effectively treat psoriasis and a number of other problems.

Tarsul becomes REALLY INTERESTING when we consider a few of the BENEFICIAL SIDE EFFECTS…

You may have read elsewhere on our site how Tarsul can help treat hypertension or arthritis. These are maladies that doctors treating psoriasis are told to look for. Isn’t it interesting that Tarsul can be applied to a number of diseases which are linked in the studies? Doesn’t it make sense to have one treatment that covers many diseases?

It makes perfect sense to everyone that if we don’t eat then we will die. Can it also make sense that if we don’t eat the right things we will get sick? Does that also mean that if we eat the right things then we will get well?

It makes sense to us…

…and we are offering an inexpensive way to find out for yourself!

A one month supply of Tarsul costs only $19.95. One teaspoon per day mixed with water or juice and you will be able to find out for yourself. Why not try a low cost, low risk alternative now? We know you will be pleased with your choice…

So that’s it…

…a one month supply of Tarsul with our money back guarantee for only $19.95…


Also, please read further to see how Tarsul can extend your health in so many different ways…

Irritable Bowels
Tarsul helps treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Tarsul dietary supplement can treat acne

Leaky gut
leaky gut can be treated with tarsul

Tarsul treats arthritis

Tarsul treats heartburn and indigestion

Tarsul - sulfur and cream of tartar

Repel Insects
Tarsul can help repel insects

Tarsul treats hemmorhoids

Stop smoking
stop smoking with Tarsul

Tarsul treats hypertension

Click on the images to find out more about Tarsul
